Well stated Chris.  Glenn


Fellow DBFC members,
There are times when your feelings are difficult to put into words. Such was
the case after I read a certain post yesterday. Rather than bore you all with
description of what I myself experienced, I feel that I would simply like to
just say this:
I have met some incredible people through this list-serve/Fan Club, and am
very thankful for that. I know that some of us will be friends for life. I
believe that collectively, we possess an enormous amount of talent in a great
many areas. While it may be true that some members could be suffering from
"overload" or "burnout" at this time, I feel strongly that it would be very
wrong to simply resign to letting the Fan Club go the land of memories, and
nothing but memories. As a group, we are responsible for what this (Fan Club)
is. I know not everyone is capable or even interested in attending or
participating in each and every event. This is quite understandable. However,
I also feel that it would be an equal (if not much greater) injustice to the
majority of the membership to allow this gathering of Fans to be pretty much
disbanded by any single person or persons. (Except of course, the Doobies)
The idea of Laughlin sounds great! Should it be a final Fan Club event?
No way! Don't even have that thouhgt.
I firmly believe that the Doobie Brothers have enjoyed most of what has
transpired over the past 4 years in regards to the Fan Club. If not, they
have and probably would have pulled the plug quite some time ago.
It's my opinion that if we want to rekindle that spark, it's
clearly up to us. Those that are burnt out should step aside, not spread
apathy and disenchantment throughout the ranks. If they're no longer up to
the job, then stand down. Let someone with fresh blood and fresh ideas take
the wheel for awhile, and let's keep Rockin' On Down The Highway!!!!

So much for my worthless $0.02. I apologize if I offended anyone, it was not
my intent. And to those who took the time to read this, "thank you". I hope
all keep rockin' on for a long time to come. I know I will.
Damn the torpedos, and full speed ahead!
Rock On,

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