Have you folks noticed how little the Doobies' BTM show has been re-aired?  
The Journey show is on again tonight (It seems like it's on a couple of times 
a week!)  No offense to Journey...I'm going to see them in concert next 
month, but does anyone out there know why the Journey show, which originally 
aired just before the Doobies, is on so much more?  VH-1's web site presently 
shows no airing dates for the Doobies.

I ordered my tickets for the Mahwah, NJ show today!  The web site is still 
not up to date, but the phone number it shows, is functional.  I'll be on the 
tennis court (floor) rockin' to the Doobs on July 16th!!!!!!!

George, on Higher Ground on a Rockin' Horse
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