I decided to try the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) on my wife's Asus EEE and went 
off to the site (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles) 
to find out how to do it using the supplied .img file.  Using the packaging 
tool that comes with Kubuntu, (KPackageKit), I installed usb-imagewriter 
without error.  (There were lots of packages, (libs, utilities etc, installed 
as part of this.)

When I came to run it, I got no response other than a temporary hourglass from 
the desktop.  When I tried running it from a terminal, I got:

te...@beige:~$ sudo imagewriter
[sudo] password for terry:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/imagewriter/imagewriter.py", line 22, in <module>
    import gtk.glade
ImportError: No module named glade

I've tried to find out where gtk.glade comes from, but KPackageKit throws up 
hundreds of different libraries when I put 'gtk' or 'glade' into its search 
bar and nothing when I put in gtk.glade.

Any thoughts?

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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