Hi Peter,

> My thoughts were to do an 'Ls -something' piped into a file, then
> perhaps if I could do a sort on that from the end of each line, I
> would end up with duplicates adjacent, which I could then investigate
> and clean up as required. 

What do you mean by `duplicate'?  If you mean you want to group all
files called `foo' together, regardless of their possible differing size
or content then

    find foo bar -type f -printf '%h %f\n' |
    rev | sort | rev |
    uniq -f 1 -D

will list the directory path and filename for all files under `foo' and
`bar' that occur more than once by name, e.g. README is a prime

It won't work well with paths or filenames with spaces in or other weird
characters, but then that's why you shouldn't have them.  :-)

On the other hand, if you want to find files that almost certainly have
the same content regardless of their file name then

    find foo bar -type f -print0 |
    xargs -r0 sha1sum |
    sort | uniq -D -w 40

lists those.  Note, it won't realise that two files may be hard or
symbolically linked together.



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