
Any chance you can get live access via VNC.  This [1] seems to suggest that 
eeepc includes the server by default.



[1] http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780768686401/ch03lev2sec7#snippet

On Wednesday 21 October 2009 15:04:45 Terry Coles wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if it is possible to run the Asus EEE 701 version of
> Xandros inside a VM?  I got the ISO from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/eeecommunity/files/ and tried to install it
> in VirtualBox.  Unfortunately, when I try to boot, the machine shuts down
> straight after the Asus splash screen.  I've tried increasing and
> decreasing the allocated memory, but that doesn't help.
> I need to get this working because my mother has an email problem with her
> EEE.  I think I know what the problem might be, but she is 120 miles away
> and needs absolute instructions on what to type.  Since I don't have access
> to a EEE ATM, this seemed to be a good way to replicate what she is seeing.
> --
>               Terry Coles
>               64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

John S. Robinson, BSc. (Hons)
OMII-UK | www.omii.ac.uk
School of Electronics & Computer Science
University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

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