On Thursday 26 Nov 2009, Alan Pope wrote:
> Backup, upgrade, test, if it fails, revert back, if it works, winner!

Oh.  I don't mind re-installing everything from scratch and she doesn't have 
much on her home directory (which is on a different partition anyway).  I'm 
just reluctant to do the work if I have no confidence that it will work.

> I found skype and pulse to be much better in 9.10 than 9.04, but
> that's no guarantee it will work perfectly for you.

Pulse doesn't work at all on this machine (dual-core Athlon desktop).  I know 
that doesn't mean that it won't work on her EEE, but there is clearly 
something not quite robust enough yet.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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