On Sat, 2010-01-09 at 12:11 +0000, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 11:45:38 -0000, reash...@gmail.com said:
> >  networking exam that has to be answered the  
> > way the lecturer wants - not the way I feel the networking should be
> > done.
> Interesting. Care to summarise how the two methods differ?
> Keith

As a computer networking Lecturer myself, I would say that there are
many ways to create a properly working network, and also many more ways
to create a 'bad' network. If you have time in the exam, why not do it
the way that you have been taught (Cisco?) and then do it your own way,
and analyse the differences and advantages of each. 

You will get marks for what you have done - the lecturers way - But you
won't get marks deducted for your own way, and you could pick up some
extra marks for your analysis. (if there is room in the marking scheme
that is)


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