On Monday 01 February 2010 14:08:54 John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> Dear list-
> Since I can't get any ADSL in my new house, I need to try and share my
> parents' ADSL.  They live about 800m away, within line of sight.
> Ideally I want to do this with a point-to-point wireless bridge.
> I believe that a couple of Linksys WRT54G units with OpenWRT are the
> best bet for the hardware, and then a couple of suitable antennas.  I
> already have a 3com rod type antenna (somewhere around 75cm long I'd
> guess, from memory) which might do for one end.
> For the other end, I saw that commercial yagi type or directional patch
> antennas are available at reasonable prices [1].  I did keep an old Sky
> dish in case that was useful - and I found an article about it here
> http://www.trevormarshall.com/biquad.htm but it looks quite involved.
> There are also the cantennas and WokFi methods.
> I'm not especially clever on RF stuff and I know a few people on the
> list are.  Can anyone advise?  Has anyone set something similar up?
> Best regards,
>      John
> [1] For example,
> http://www.wifi-antennas.co.uk/index.php?target=products&product_id=20

Hi Clive

Have a look at these guys


I have a pair of the 16DBi sqaure one's setup as a bridge  although the 
for me is only around 300mtr but I phoned them and they were very helpful, they 
also supplied a couple of basic wireless access points.


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