On Friday 19 Mar 2010, Chris Dennis wrote:
> I've written to Desmond Swayne -- the MP on this side of the border.
> Last time I wrote to him about something (the arms trade) he just
> replied "I disagree" (embedded in a couple of paragraphs of waffle).

When the big US Corporations were bending all the rules to get software 
patents legal in the EU, I wrote to every one of the South West MEPs.  (I've 
never understood why we are apparently represented by nearly a dozen different 
people.)  The responses were interesting, but not unexpected.  Uncannily they 
all had beliefs that pretty much exactly aligned with those of their party.

Generally the ones who were pro software patent spouted the nonsense about 
rewarding innovation (has any one ever found an innovative software patent?).  
The ones who were opposed seemed to be better informed.  Having read what I 
just said, I suppose some would say 'I would think that wouldn't I'. :-) )

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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