On Wed, 26 May 2010 20:42:17 +0100, Simon O'Riordan  
<voluntar...@btopenworld.com> wrote:

I tend to use this guide on fresh installs  
http://www.mjmwired.net/resources/mjm-fedora-f12.html sadly [s]he has not  
released a F13 version as yet. Hopefully it will arrive soon. If your  
careful you should be able to follow the F12 guide and most things are  
likely to work on F13, be careful though.

> I'll bung on a couple of sample mp3 files in a mo. Thinking it looks a
> bit like Hardy, and the legal restrictions could be the American angle
> which used to cripple Microsoft?

Don't quote me on it but I get the impression Red Hat are aware of not  
upsetting people regarding re-distribution of non-free stuff. Mix that  
with a wish to go 'completely' F/OSS and you soon lose non-free support.  
This includes F/OSS derivatives of non-free codecs etc. A pain for first  
time windows users but not a big deal to anyone who has spent any time  
with Linux.

Using Opera M2: http://www.opera.com/mail/

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