On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 21:22 +0100, Robert Bronsdon wrote:
> I tend to use this guide on fresh installs  
> http://www.mjmwired.net/resources/mjm-fedora-f12.html sadly [s]he has not  
> released a F13 version as yet. Hopefully it will arrive soon. If your  
> careful you should be able to follow the F12 guide and most things are  
> likely to work on F13, be careful though.
Robert, I just googled RPM Fusion, was directed to the rpmfusion.net
site and just clicked on the auto installer for the package updater.
Then I was asked for my admin password, and it installed with a few dire
warnings of naughtiness.
Then I ran Updater again, it refreshed to an even newer 13 version, then
I ran the software installer and found all my favourites.
But I still think that Ubuntu is better. Consumers want to compute, not
sit an exam.

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