On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 13:10:29 +0100, Andrew Drapper <and...@drapper.com>  

>  1. I have in the past had a number of pre-installed pc with XP, but
>  only restore CD's I can probably find the COA Is there anyway to use  
>  these?

The likely-hood is these keys are for an OEM (Original Equipment  
Manufacturer) version of XP. Which means that 'technically' they can only  
be used once by a hardware constructor.

I have had success in the past ringing the phone number that comes up in  
the validation wizard and telling them windows broke and I need a new key.  
They often cough up for an old OS.

> 2. Do I need a full XP CD? Any ideas on where to get them. Ebay has many  
> that appear second hand, and often for Dell, will these work? If
> not, any ideas about where is the best place to get a full CD

There are no "legal" ways to download an XP cd (unless you have an MSDNAA  
license). However as long as you have a license I can't see anything  
illegal about installing XP from any source.

You could try one of your restore disks, some will just be a modified  
install CD, others are a ghost CD. IF you have a modified install CD you  
will get the bundled crapware though.

> 3. Is Sun vertualBox a good idea?

Personally I'm a fan, though I'm a fan of many odd things. Its just such a  
simple program to use and I can't see any major drawbacks for SOHO use.

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