On Thursday 22 July 2010 20:52:56 Keith Edmunds wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:50:46 +0100, xendis...@gmx.com said:
> > OK I can add an update to this, the mounted partition turned out to be
> > the swap file
> Do you mean swap *partition* rather than file? If so, no problem: the swap
> partition doesn't have an ext3 filesystem on it and thus no superblocks,
> etc. However, it seems unlikely that /dev/sda1 is the swap partition, so
> what makes you think that it is?

Yes I meant partition, not file, I did not say sda1 was the swap file, I said 
sda3 was swap (in my first post). It was not until I switched swapoff that I 
could run the e2fsck command without it complaining about being busy.

Things have taken turn for the worse as the laptop decided enough was enough 
refused to boot so I wiped the partion, via Gparted on the live CD, remade the 
partitions to the same scheme as I had last time and reformatted to ext3.

I am having my doubts about the hard disk (or maybe the hard disk sub systems) 
in this laptop as I have reinstalled mepis but the laptop is now running and 
refusing to do anything that has to access the hard disk ( I can open menus and 
click on program icons but it is refusing to launch any programs).

I have a spare hard disk somewhere so I will dig that out and put it in the 
laptop and see what happens.

Thanks for the help


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