On 12/08/10 08:13, Natalie Hooper wrote:
Hello everybody,

My name's Natalie and I've been using Linux on and off since 2005. I now
live in Bournemouth, having moved down from London a couple of months ago.

I first used Debian between 2005 and 2007 then I switched back to Windows
due to new hardware incompatibility issues. In late 2008, I got a Ubuntu
netbook and a few months ago, I installed Ubuntu on my desktop and I'm very
glad I've done so. Even my partner, who isn't a technical person, has got
used to Ubuntu on the desktop and doesn't want to go back to Windows.

In London, I used to work as a CAD monkey for a local authority (highways
design) but I am now retraining as a programmer. I currently focus on apps
for Google Android smartphones and web design but I also want to develop
apps for the desktop (probably using Qt for cross-platform development).

What else to say in an introduction? I love music, I like different styles
though I don't like r'n'b/hip-hop/urban music much, and I'm trying to find
out about good live music venues in Bournemouth&  Southampton, so any tip
Hi Natalie-

Welcome again to DLUG! I thought I'd add on the music information, there's always http://www.endoftheroadfestival.com/

It happens just down the road from me at the Larmer tree, and it's about 40 minutes from Bournemouth. It's a great location for a festival. The music is a bit obscure but there's a lot of good stuff there.

All the best,


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