On Thursday 19 Aug 2010, kimd...@tiscali.co.uk wrote:
> Can any of you using Kubuntu Lucid Lynx let me me how it is on
> reliability?

Let me count the ways about Lucid (un)reliability.  Personally, I think it's a 

1.  Grub doesn't give me a boot screen, so If I was using dual boot, I'd only 
ever be able to see the default login.  I've tried rolling back to Grub 1, but 
it seems to be something more fundamental than that.

2.  Occasionally, boot-up freezes at the KDE splash screen.  I haven't found 
any exactly similar bugs in Launchpad, but a search reveals several others 

3.  Akonadi doesn't start properly on boot-up; this 
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/564263 is one of many 
similar bugs.

4.  Audio seems noisy compared to earlier versions.  Also, on my Netbook I 
have a very quiet mic, although that may be the Netbook.  I'm not convinced.

I had much less trouble with 9.10; that just worked, as Linux Distros normally 
do .

> My problem is:-
> When Hardy established itself I found that it was a distro that I
> could install on friends computers and know that it served pretty much
> all their needs and would just keep on working. Then, along came Jaunty
> & Karmic and, to put it as gently as possible, I could only say 'Don't
> even think of upgrading, stay with Hardy or go to MS-Windows'.
> Now that Hardy support is approaching the end I need to find another
> system that I can use for this purpose. I have no wish to have my phone
> ringing with questions about 'xxxx is not working'.& 'How do I xxx?'.
> I could use VL-SOHO but Ubuntu is easier to use and has much better
> repos.
> I have googled about Lucid reliability but would like to know what
> ordinary long-term users think. How easily is pulseaudio sorted, oe
> even dumped :)? Is KDE4 up to scratch yet? ..and so on.

I can't use pulse audio on this box; it just doesn't work.  My Netbook uses 
pulseaudio and that just worked too, (except for the quiet mic, and I'm not at 
all certain what the problem is with this).

KDE 4 isn't bad these days and is *almost* as good as KDE 3 was before they 
decided to tear up the code base and start again.  

Things are gradually being sorted and they are getting there, but I personally 
have held off upgrading friend's machines because of the issues that I've seen 
on this machine.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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