On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 14:40 +0000, Nicky Scopes wrote:
> hi all, whilst on my travels i came across a new linux magazine in whsmith, 
> its 
> called Linux & Open Source Genius Guide Volume 1.
> and its massive with over 200 pages, it has tutorials aswell as the usuall 
> stuff 
> that a computer mag has, but at £14.99 its a bit expensive, the free dvd has 
> lots of software including googles new operating system which is essentially 
> based on ubuntu.
> i usually buy linux format, i have tried linux magazine but that one seems to 
> be 
> for those that use linux in their jobs.
> i just wondered what do other users in the dorset lug like to read?
I have a couple of Linux books that I seldom refer to, becasue they are
too academic. Mostly, because I have my own ideas and am looking for
solutions, I use the web, and if I can't find an answer there, I ask

I did a search for 'linux open source genius', and found this source of
books, at a good price. 



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