Hi Nicky,

> whilst on my travels i came across a new linux magazine in whsmith,
> its called Linux & Open Source Genius Guide Volume 1.

I saw it today.  It's a spin-off from the _Linux User_ people I think, I
suspect a lot of the content is hewn from previous issues of the

> and its massive with over 200 pages, it has tutorials aswell as the
> usuall stuff that a computer mag has, but at £14.99 its a bit
> expensive, the free dvd has lots of software including googles new
> operating system which is essentially based on ubuntu.

One of the other Linux magazines also had a spin-off, a big carboard
thing for a tenner.

> i usually buy linux format, i have tried linux magazine but that one
> seems to be for those that use linux in their jobs.  i just wondered
> what do other users in the dorset lug like to read?

I flick through all of them in WHS and _Linux Format_ seems to be the
best from my point of view, but not good enough to make me shell out
£6.49, especially for a DVD I don't want.  :-)  The other two, _Linux
User & Developer_ and _Linux Magazine_ are a shade cheaper at just under
£6.  Out of curiosity I picked a few car, camera, and caravan magazines
at random and they all came in at £3.95;  seems we're being ripped off.
Are they available in non-DVD versions?

Years ago, like mid-90s, I used to subscribe to _Linux Journal_ from the
USA, and that was good, but I haven't read it in years.  Later, I used
to see it on the shelf in Borders but that's gone now, as jr said.  It
seems they put articles from older issues on the web to read.



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