On Sun, 06 Feb 2011 11:59:22 -0000, John Cooper <l...@discoverlinux.co.uk> wrote:

Well if it is GPL'd, it is effectively stealing and illegal.

Ack, the reason I shouldn't get into these.

Copyright infringement IS NOT stealing. The legal precident is set. The technical definitions are know. There is no stealing involved. This is the same argument running around the Media/Games industry now. Allowing you to download from me a copy of a CD I bought is not stealing in any sense. It is copyright infringement.

It all depends on what you want to do with the code. If you want people to actively contribute their changes for the good of the software

I do want people to contribute. I want the software to be good. I don't like being tarred with a brush of "not caring".

I just don't feel the need to legally enforce that people have to change their habits to use the software. I write (or try too) F/OSS software for the good of everyone, not just a group who share the same beliefs as me. I'd prefer to see MS use a good networking stack than try to write their own. Fine it's a shame that they've allowed it to fester. I don't see what the F/OSS community lost and I do see what all Windows users gained. Surely allowing others to gain is part of the F/OSS ideal. I'm happy to let other people make decisions on whether or not they want to contribute.

There are also large projects, that are well contributed that use BSD style licensing. The projects move along quite happily. Some people incorporate this code elsewhere. The project still has that code. It still moves along.

If you don't give a monkeys whether the likes of M$ can take it anduse it to lock people in to their software

Again, stop tarring me with brushes. I do care that Microsoft lock people into software.

well license it like Apache and it is then lost in IIS!


Can you please tell me what part of the Apache/HTTPD has been lost? Please point me at the parts of code that are missing and I will gladly start hacking away on Apache code to get it back.

Robert Bronsdon

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