Hi Tim,

If FTP is still giving you a headache, you could use SCP or SVN/GIT
revision control to roll out your changes to the server?



On 8 February 2011 10:04, Tim <xendis...@gmx.com> wrote:
> I am running ubuntu 10.04LTS and have VSFTP installed, I can ftp to the local
> users home folder without a problem but I need to be able to ftp to the web
> servers  /var/www/myfolder When I try to ftp to the /var/www/myfolder I get
> critcal file transfer error (using Filezilla).
> I am guessing this is a user or group permission problem, at the
> moment /var/www/myfolder is owned by user root and group web, the local user
> (std user) is a member of the group web.  What permission should I change the
> folders and user to to get ftp access to the /var/www/myfolder (I am asking as
> I don't want to randomly start changing permission and cock it up).
> This web server is not public facing
> --
> Next meeting:  Blandford Forum, Wednesday 2011-03-02 20:00
> Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
> How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

Next meeting:  Blandford Forum, Wednesday 2011-03-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

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