John Cooper wrote:
On 11/02/11 20:27, Natalie Hooper wrote:
Yes, WebOS is interesting and of course, MeeGo isn't entirely dead but it is
a major blow to its future on smartphones (that doesn't mean it won't
succeed elsewhere though, notably on netbooks).

As for Nokia's decision, it is going to have a major impact on the future of the industry - either it is going to sink Nokia completely or it is going to
establish Windows Mobile 7 as a serious contender.

A third option would be that Nokia is going to get another CEO in a few
months, they are going to get back on their decision, 2011 will be a bad
year for them but they will make a comeback in 2012 with a shiny MeeGo and three flagship devices, each in a different price range (This is my dream scenario as I don't want to see Nokia sink, I rather like their non-smart phones, very reliable, and I certainly don't want to see Windows Mobile 7
establish itself in the smartphone market).

So far, the reviews of Windows Mobile 7 have been rather good but users
haven't rushed to buy those devices, my guess being that too many people
have had frustrating experiences with Windows on their computer and do not
want to bring these problems over to their smartphone.

You just have to look at the past to realise on a few can succeed in the computing business. Android is one, Apple another so 3rd place is likely to be Windoz, so Nokia have decided to join the sinking ship thinking they can make it work. They should have gone with Android and maintained their production to make money. I suspect they went with M$ anticipating a patent war against Linux, but this is not going to win as Linux is now unstoppable. Android is now no2, 800% increase this year and manufacturers are finally realising the benefits of a free (as in beer) OS!


Nokia's current problems explains a lot.
For some time I been thinking what sort of phone I need but cant find.
I have big hands,
old tired eyes,
and hard of hearing,
an industrial working enviroment thats dirty or wet,
thats noisy,  driving a tractor or working machinery,
poor access to charging,
lives in a pocket with other hardware.
so I need a phone thats got,
big keys, qwerty k/board like the Nokia 9210I communicator,
a big  bright screen, like an Iphone,
a loud clear speaker,
a proper closing all metal lid like the HP jordana or better,
a battery with 3000mah rating so it lasts a week at least.

Can I find such a phone? with all these features?
Not a chance!! as if I havent tried,
There are thousands of folk like myself world wide without such a phone.
So I thinks to myself, ill know what Ill do, ill get in touch with Nokia to suggest such a phone, Has anyone tried to talk to Nokia? its like trying to get through s brick wall with a screwdriver. There are no contact nos, no proper email addesses,,their tech help dont answer email, and when you eventually get a reply they dont want to pass on anything to their design teams.
Id put good money up front for such a phone.
i dont need email, on the go. i like to sit down with a decent laptop screen and take my time in in reading and replying.Texting ,yes, talking, yes. Ie the innards can be something standard, its the form factor thats missing out on my needs..

Where does one go and who do I talk to? Id still buy a new phone if I could get a spec like ive listed above. It doesnt matter if it weighs 2tice as muchand is twice as big, as a Nokia 9210 c0mmunicator, I must have at least 20 phones here all with their limitations to the point I wont/cant use them.
Hugh's dad nr Corfe.
Ubuntu user.

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