On Friday 11 Feb 2011, Natalie Hooper wrote:
> As for Nokia's decision, it is going to have a major impact on the future
> of the industry - either it is going to sink Nokia completely or it is
> going to establish Windows Mobile 7 as a serious contender.

Seen this:


Knowing Microsoft's past performance, Windows Phone 8 will be delayed, will 
have features removed so they can stuff it out of the door and be so full of 
bugs that it'll take them until SP2 to get anything remotely usable.  If that 
happens in less than 12 months I'll eat my 3 inch Tux!

I don't think MS could have found a better way sink Nokia if they'd tried.

(Maybe they did.  Try that is.)

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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