It was a great pleasure to meet members tonight. I received some helpful
advice and had a good chin-wag! Thanks to all.

As a (very) small contribution, I offer a script that I've found useful
when importing directories from Windows, or image/video files from a
camera or similar device. I find it easier to have the filenames all in
lower case, and because I've had cause to do this more than once, I've
created a little script file to do it from the command line. It renames
all (and only) files in the current directory.

Online I've found plenty of more complex variants that invoke commands
outside the shell; although these have the merit of working with other
shells, bash is I think the default shell on most desktop systems
nowadays, which is where perhaps this script is typically useful. If you
don't use bash, then this script is not for you! If you do, this is an
efficient way to get the job done.

((script begins))

for i in $*; do [[ -f "${i,,}" ]] || mv -i "$i" "${i,,}"; done
((script ends))

(For those not familiar with bash parameter substitutions, the
expression "${i,,}" equates to "$i" forced lower-case.)

Regards to all,


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