On Wednesday 28 Dec 2011 13:31:52 Mark Elkins wrote:
> Just for the record I've looked at this recent statement about Open
> Standards and feel its more about getting the statement bullet proof as
> opposed to actually dropping intention to make greater use of (Free and)
> Open Source.

Hmm.  You're obviously not as old and cynical as I am.

If the Government simply wanted to make the statement bullet proof, then all 
they needed to do was leave it in place and then issue a clarification as soon 
as they'd completed their 'investigation'.

Instead, they've completely revoked the original Policy:

'This note updates and supersedes Procurement Policy Note 3/11, Use of Open 
Standards when specifying ICT requirements.'

 leaving the situation as it was before PPN 3/11 came out.

given the glacial pace that Government Departments do anything, this gives 
ample opportunity for the corporate lobbyists to get their ducks in a row.

There was nothing wrong with the old Policy statement, so this intervention is 
totally counter-productive.  (Unless you work for a major foreign software 
supplier of course.)

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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