
>From: Simon P Smith <>
>Subject: Re: [Dorset] OT: Cabinet Office Ditches Open Standards in IT
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

>The withdrawal of PPN 3/11 is a scandal!

>I was using it to try and get some non-M$ products into a government 
>project  - looks like that particular prop to my case has been well and 
>truly kicked out :(

Are you willing to supply some more info about this because as far as I know 
HMG still want to use Open Source? For example I am organizing a series of 
internal HM Government events for Senior Civil servants on Open Source as Chair 
of the BCS Open Source SG (OSSG). The first of which will take place in 
February 2012. Therefore your experience sounds like it would be of interest to 
the HMG staff I am dealing with setting up these events. In other words they 
want to know examples about barriers to adoption of Open Source by HMG.

Just for the record I've looked at this recent statement about Open Standards 
and feel its more about getting the statement bullet proof as opposed to 
actually dropping intention to make greater use of (Free and) Open Source. 

Mark Elkins
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