On 15/09/2012 22:00, Peter Washington wrote:
On 15 September 2012 20:07, Peter Merchant<madsmad...@netscape.net>  wrote:
On 15/09/12 19:33, Adrian Warman wrote:
I think Leo's recommendation is Python.

In any event, I would also recommend it. It's platform-agnostic, it's
used by big companies (Google, anyone?), it can be run in a simple,
interpreter-like way (single line Basic, anyone?), it supports
object-oriented programming, there's lots of documentation and
examples freely available,...


Excellent reasons Adrian. I always have to ask, what do you want to do with
it?  If you are wanting to access databases you would use a different
language than if you wanted to do machine control. Because the raspberry pi
uses Python, I am working with it to control the basic I/O  functions, but
not yet at doing anything with USB devices.

My python references are ' Byte of Python', and 'Dive into Python'.

I like interpretive languages like Basic, Forth and Python for learning.

I believe that there is an editor from which you can run your python and
then drop back to the editor, but I don't know what it is. It might be
Notepad++ in a W$ environment.

Notepad++ and Kate both display text in different colours depending on their

Peter M.

Peter M.
Personally I would have to agre that Python is a good choice for
starting learning about software because it encourages good practices
and it can actually take you a very long way.

I use Scite to edit my Python because it is itself cross platform, it
provides syntax colouring and you can compile / interpret your code
from the Editor and if there is an error it will highlight the line
with the error.

I have Notepad++ on the work laptop that I'm writing on now and I've
just looked for Compilation / Interpretation tools and I couldn't find
any, (but I only looked quite quickly).

Good luck to your grandson Clive.

The reason I say Perl is because I see so many vacanices for LAMP developers, so more of an interesting career than 'merely' programming, leading into some good sys' admin too. more options, more bucks.

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