Hi Folks
Some while ago I decided it was about time to change from Windows to Linux. Having heard from you guys about the UEFI issue, and having other distractions I held off. I have now bought a laptop from Linux Emporium with Unbuntu 13.04 plus a beta version of 13.10 preloaded. It's running and am very happy with it. Learning to use the GUI is really easy. I am sure I will get to grips with the command language in due course when I am motivated to do so - by having an application for which I need it. I am in no hurry to put Linux on my desktop currently running under windows 7, but will get round to it. So for me UEFI is not currently an issue.

The Lenova laptop reached Linux Emporium with Windows 8 and TPM installed. They told me that whereas previously it took them about 1 hour to install Linux now takes 5 hours and it seems they will not be continuing with that side of the business but instead focus on their software business. On the face of it bad news for the Linux community.

However I have just found an undated article but seems recent 'Linux and Windows 8 Interoperability' at http://www.admin-magazine.com/Articles/Linux-with-Windows-8. To my untutored eye it looks promising. Am I right?

Out of sheer curiosity I was wondering just how secure UEFI makes computers. I sometimes write programs in Pascal (an ancient 3rd generation language), which have to be compiled. I have occasionally send the .exe (Windows executable) files to others. This can be done either by disabling security on your email program or by using a memory stick. I asked a Microsoft community forum whether I could do the same if both machines were running Windows 8 with TPM. The answer I got was yes you can and the file will run on the recipient machine. One person got quite shirty and said that anyone who suggested otherwise was LYING (his word). So I followed this up by saying I was glad to hear that but what if I had created a virus. What does that say about UEFI and 'trusted' computing? No answer to that - what a surprise!


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