
TimA wrote:
> > dd does a low level copy so it should copy the partition table and
> > any recoverable data. By only reading from the potentially damaged
> > disk once you may avoid further data loss.
> Or ddrescue. Method of use is similar to dd but specifically designed
> to recover failing disks.

Yes, that's very good and has only got better since I last used it.  It
reads through the disk once, copying what read OK and making a note of
the sectors that failed, then it goes back to tackle them with various
strategies, e.g. approaching from one direction then the other.  Needs a
bit of study to understand the options.

That's GNU's ddrescue(1) we're talking about;  package gddrescue on
Ubuntu.  http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/

The package ddrescue, no `g', is also on old Ubuntus, e.g.
12.04LTS, is a variant I've no experience of that contains the
dd_rescue(1) command.  It has been dropped in later Ubuntus.

Cheers, Ralph.

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