Hi, I have been looking for a means of formalising my backup procedures. At the moment on my USB 500Tb Backup drive I have three sets of folders:

D-2015-Mo-dy   From Downstairs XP machine Data partititon
U-2015-Mo-dy   from upstairs kubuntu /home partition
Pictures             Pictures and photos combined from both D & U

The Pictures folder already exists, but the others would have to be created by the script or manually beforehand.

What I would like to do is backup the Kubuntu machine /home contents to a base U-2015-Mo-Dy folder, including hidden files, but Excepting the My Pictures folder.

Similarly for the XP machine.

Then update the Pictures folder with any and all updates and changed files.

Second stage is to more frequently run an incremental backup of all changes and updates on the Kubuntu box to a separate folder, perhaps U-2015-mo-dy-topup. This to be followed by, or performed separately for a backup of pictures.

Is this possible? It looked very difficult to learn how to use rsync to do it, so I thought I might try grsync.

If grsync creates the scripts that can be run by rsync, can I then in the future run those scripts without the GUI?

Thanks for any help or advice.

Peter M.

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