Hi Peter

On 07/10/15 20:42, Peter Merchant wrote:
That's one other criteria I forgot to mention. I don't really want all
the files zipped up. I like to be able to see that they are all there
and to pull back any that I should need for whatever reason. I guess
that I am a bit worried that I could have a situation where I can't undo
a tarball or image.

[ I have just finished sorting out a neighbours backup where his whole
xp system was imaged on his backup and he wanted to restore just his
data onto his new W10 computer]

Take a look at rdiff-backup which uses rsync libs. It's possible to exclude specific directories (--exclude or --exclude-globbing-filelist). If you call it from a daily cronjob you can back up multiple directory trees by running it sequentially on those. The most recent backup is fully accessible and earlier backups are compressed diffs. Can do remote backups over SSH. Been using it for around 15 years - does the job.



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