On 07/10/15 22:25, Tim wrote:
On 07/10/15 19:21, Peter Merchant wrote:
Hi, I have been looking for a means of formalising my backup procedures. At the moment on my USB 500Tb Backup drive I have three sets of folders:

Can you tell me where you bought your 500TB USB drive please? :)

Oops- I guess that should be 0.5 Terabyte or 500GB - from Argos!

While this may not be the full answer to your problem I have found using Luckybackup a very useful program for sorting out my backups (at least to the point of backing up what I want). Luckybackup is basically a GUI for rsync and I have used it simply for that purpose. I constructed a backup I want in luckybackup and then once I am happy it is backing up what I want I copy the rsync output into a script and then just run it as a cron job ( I used scheduledtask to setup the cron job).

That's what I want to end up with, but as I am not so disciplined to be able to connect the backup drive for a specific time, I will just run the script when I want to.

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