On Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:58:42 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> I think that I may have mis-understood the config file commentary (I
> haven't actually done that bit yet), but I found the following at
> line 170:
> # This should be autodetected on an OpenWRT system, but if not:
> # Set GatewayAddress to the IP address of the router on
> # the GatewayInterface.  This is the address that the Nodogsplash
> # server listens on.
> #
> # GatewayAddress
> I assumed that this was referring to the IP address of the Internet
> side of the Pi, but see now that they are probably referring to the
> IP Address of the router.

No. In your case, it refers to the "internal" IP address of the Pi in 
its role as a router. That is to say, the IP address of the LAN-side 
interface of the Pi. I suppose this might be the IP address that you 
are serving your local website on.

It should be the same address that already appears as the gateway 
address on DHCP clients of the Pi (people's phones). (Assuming DHCP 
has been configured to specify a gateway address.)

You also have to specify the interface name (e.g. eth1), so I suppose 
the IP address could be autodetected from that, which might be a more 
robust configuration in case the address ever needs to be changed.

On an OpenWRT system, the gateway interface would typically be 
something like br-lan; a bridge across multiple physical interfaces, 
such as ethernet ports and wifi networks. On your Pi, it will likely 
be a single physical interface.

On a router running OpenWRT, there might be more than one LAN-side 
interface, so you would specify which one. For example, you might run 
both a private LAN and a guest LAN on the same router.

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