On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 12:26:39 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> Please point out my (no doubt) blindingly obvious mistake.

You seem to have created your own tag "<msg>", and the browser has 
probably defaulted to displaying it as an inline element, which can't 
have a text-align property.

You should probably use a <div> tag instead, and assign it a class:

<div class="msg">To return to this Menu, please use your device's back

Then your css needs a dot to denote class, of course:

.msg { ...

If you particularly wanted to use a custom HTML tag, you would have to 
tell the browser it's a block element that can have text-align.

It turns out that just adding display: block to the CSS does the trick 
in Chromium.

msg {
        font-family: "Arial";
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 5vw;
        font-weight: bold;
        line-height: 3vw;
        color: blue;
                 display: block;

But I don't now whether creating a "<msg>" element is considered a 
good idea. I suspeect it might not be.

A web search for "html custom elements" returns a fairly confusing 
mass of information about different standards at different points in 

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