Try again, this time to the list instead of Peter...

On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 16:27:06 BST PeterMerchant via dorset wrote:
> Hi All, this message directed mostly towards terry, but I welcome input
> from Others.

I no longer have a Chromebook, but we helped a friend to buy one recently.

> My sister-in-law is coming to visit, and has been complaining about her
> useless computer. Her son (wise man) has advised her to not get a
> windows computer, but to opt for a Chromebook. I see Acer Chromebooks at
> Argos for £229. The one niggle I have about what she wants it for is to
> use What's App, which generally requires a mobile phone number, but if
> she has been doing it on her W$ machine it must be possible.

I've just tried to install WhatsApp on our friends ACer R11, but there isn't a 
ChromeOS App or Extension, although there are helper type tools.

As Natalie mentioned there is a web app, but I haven't got a WhatsApp account 
so I couldn't test it.  If the App needs installing, then see the previous 

> Q: Is this the best place to get a Chromebook? or would you recommend
> somewhere else?

Our friend got his from Currys.  Prices seem much odf a muchness.


                Terry Coles

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