On 03/11/2018 09:49, Terry Coles wrote:
On Saturday, 3 November 2018 08:46:58 GMT PeterMerchant via dorset wrote:
Hi, Is anyone else having problems with this. I am trying to flash Raspbian
Stretch on to an 8GB card using Etcher 4.4.1 and it keeps failing saying
Well there's your problem straight away; the latest version is 1.4.4 :-)

that it has lost contact with the card. The earlier version does not work
either. This is all since I rebuilt my Kubuntu 18.04 installation a couple
of months ago. Identical problems have been reported on Github and the
Etcher forums, but I haven't seen a fix. I can't find a log file, and I
have tried to sign up to the forum, but never got a confirmation email.
I'm using Kubuntu 18.10, but Etcher V1.4.4 was installed when I was still
using 18.04.  I've never had a problem with it, even when it was Beta.

Sorted. I downloaded  anew image, the 1.4.6 version of Etcher, and plugged my 
SD-USB adapter into a different port on the PC. I suspect the port was the 
problem, which is a pain as it is the only available port on the front of the 

Afterwards the PC did read the card OK in that port though.


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