
We were the only ones in the bar initially, and when others did arrive
the TV still stayed silent.  The new venue seems to be working well.
Terry's membership fee to Bournemouth Electric has been covered by the
£1 collections and they're starting towards another fee to cover his

The Linux kernel has a steady stream of bug fixes for using memory after
it's been freed.  Go's standard garbage collector in Biscuit avoids that
type of error.

    ...a kernel written in Go that implements enough of POSIX (virtual
    memory, mmap, TCP/IP sockets, a logging file system, poll, etc.) to
    execute significant applications [nginx and Redis].  Biscuit makes
    liberal use of Go's HLL features (closures, channels, maps,
    interfaces, garbage collected heap allocation), which subjectively
    made programming easier.  ...
    The longest single GC-related pause suffered by NGINX was 115 us;
    the longest observed sum of GC delays to a complete NGINX client
    request was 600 us.  In experiments comparing nearly identical
    system call, page fault, and context switch code paths written in Go
    and C, the Go version was 5% to 15% slower.

GREYC's Magic for Image Computing, G'MIC, provides lots of image filters
that integrate with gimp, the GNU pixel editor.

Cheers, Ralph.

  Next meeting at *new* venue:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2018-12-04 20:00
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