Hi Peter,

> > dd says 16580608 bytes copied, that being 126 whole blocks [of 128
> > KiB] plus one truncated [half] block.
>     $ src=/dev/sdb
>     $ img=${src//\//_}
>     $ img=${img#_}.img
>     $ devbs=$(stat -fc %s $src)
>     $ echo copy $src to $img using multiple of $devbs bytes
>     copy /dev/sdb to dev_sdb.img using multiple of 4096 bytes
>     $ sudo dd if=$src bs=$((devbs * 32)) of=$img
>     [sudo] password for peterm:
>     dd: error reading '/dev/sdb': Input/output error
>     1769+0 records in
>     1769+0 records out
>     231866368 bytes (232 MB, 221 MiB) copied, 19.0554 s, 12.2 MB/s
> Not the same size as previous try.

No, almost 14 times as much was read before the EIO.  Assuming that's
the same card, I'd try reading it on hardware as different as possible
to what gave the two EIO errors.  Different port, card adapter, USB
cable, ideally PC.  If space for the image is a problem on other
machines, or just to make it quicker, you can `img=/dev/null' to discard
what's read.  If it still has problems when nothing else is in common
then it suggests the card's faulty?

Cheers, Ralph.

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