On Sunday, 22 December 2019 09:36:35 GMT PeterMerchant via dorset wrote:
> I have been given a dead Laptop and am trying to use the 1TB hard disk out
> of it. It is W10 and I have reset W10 to get rid of all the previous owners
> stuff, and then I used a windows utility to shrink the Windows space and
> create  some free disk.

Do you want to retain the Windows 10 installation, or are you simply trying to 
make use of the disc in a Linux installation?

> When I try to install dual boot Kubuntu At the point where I want to create 
> the linux partitions I can't because W10 has 4 primary partitions and that
> is all that are allowed. So the extra space is inaccessible.

That's true.

> I am not sure what my next steps could be. Can I convert a W10 partition to
> be an extended partition, or even be devilish and blow away the recovery
> partition?
> Appreciate your thoughts.

Well if it was me, I'd delete all of the existing partitions and start with a 
pristine 1 TB of free space.

You don't say what the four existing partitions are for.  Normally a typical 
Windows installation would only use two; the 'C:' Drive and, in later 
installations, the Recovery Partition.  If it's a newish laptop there will 
also be a UEFI partition, but what the fourth one for?

I would also suggest that trying to run the Windows installation when the disc 
is plugged into another machine is likely to fail unless you have the original 
Windows code.  Even then, you may be accused of being a pirate ;-)


                Terry Coles

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