On Friday, 15 May 2020 10:28:36 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> Aw that's a shame. I was just going to re-add this to my Ryzen system to
> contribute some more work.


Checkpointing is working; it's just ETA computation that isn't.  All my Tasks 
from yesterday survived shutdown and completed withing an hour of startup this 

The ETA computation issue is an annoyance, nothing more.

There has been some discussion on the Ibercivis Message Board about 
Checkpointing.  There have been some complaints that users can't see 
checkpointing happen:


The response has been that they are using a wrapper to allow their Tasks to 
run under BOINC and this wrapper doesn't support checkpointing so they've 
instigated at workround.

Perhaps the wrapper inhibits the ETA computation too.


                Terry Coles

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