On Saturday, 6 June 2020 17:52:50 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> As I think you suggested earlier, another option is an extra Pi with two
> network interfaces.  One on the office LAN and the other on the Pi
> network.  It would run WireGuard.  The office router would port-forward
> to it.

I asked if that was the only way forward when I first posted to the Raspberry 
Pi Forum and my helpful user said 'Methinks you'd need a better excuse than 
that to buy a new Pi.'  :-)

He claims that he got it working, but from the things that he said, I suspect 
he was using the Pi as a WiFi AP, instead of having two Ethernet ports.  He 
also installed PiVPN and then nodogsplash, so that may have a bearing.  
Unfortunately he's gone quiet since Thursday.

I can scrape together another Pi and USB / Ethernet Adaptor, but I'll have to 
scrabble around in my drawers for an SD Card, since I have no new ones left.  
Then the on-site volunteer will have to install it somehow.

I'll keep at it for a day or two before I resort to that.


                Terry Coles

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