Hi there,

I've been wondering if any of you have encountered something like this.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ set up as a NAS server with an external HDD
and a beefy power supply. There are multiple partitions of this drive:

- /dev/sda1 is a 720GB EXT4 partition for general storage.

- /dev/sda2 is a 11.2GB swap partition (the Pi doesn't have much RAM and
I'd rather not wear out the SD card using it as swap).

- /dev/sda3 is a 200GB LUKS container (/dev/dm-0) with an EXT4 partition
inside, which I use for syncing files between my laptop and desktop with

This is generally very quick and reliable, but the EXT4 filesystem
inside the LUKS container randomly (can be an hour, can be 3 weeks)
unmounts, and there don't seem to be any errors in /var/log/messages
pertaining to this. The other filesystems always stay mounted though. I
haven't bothered to investigate this despite it going on for ages
because I haven't yet encountered any data corruption and periodically
remounting the filesystem isn't much of a hassle.

My first thought is power (cos I'm not using a powered USB hub), but I
would have thought that'd knock the other partitions out as well, at
least some of the time. Other things could be that in using the 64-bit
kernel so I can do distributed computing on the Pi, but this has been
going on since way before I started doing that. Perhaps there's a bug in
whatever drives LUKS storage on the Pi/its architecture?

Any ideas?

Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty

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