On Monday, 20 July 2020 09:05:31 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > Is there a right way?
> Go with what's simplest which is correct and suffices.  :-)

Thanks for all the responses; I've learned a lot.

As it happens, this query has now been overtaken by events.  The solution was 
put forward to allow a particular device to be pinged when logged into the 
network using the VPN solution.  For some reason it refuses pings even though 
it can be accessed using ssh once the VPN connection has been made.  Adding 
this particular iptables rule allowed the ping to work but unfortunately 
prevented login to some other devices ;-(

Since the system works OK apart from this one issue, I decided the 'good 
enough is good enough' and decided to save what little grey hair I have left 
by living with it.  I'll have to document the drop-off somehow, so that it 
doesn't confuse someone in the future, but I feel that is the best way 


                Terry Coles

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