On Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:35:08 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Does it find it?  I thought the Waveshare software was obtained through
> 1.5inch_OLED_Moudle.7z [sic].

Doh!  As you no doubt are well aware by now, my memory doesn't serve me well 
these days.  I had forgotten about that.

> DEV_Config.py includes
>     OLED_RST_PIN = 25
>     OLED_DC_PIN  = 24
>     OLED_CS_PIN  = 8

It's the OLED_CS_PIN (and possibly the OLED_DC_PIN) that I will probably want 
to manage.

>     SPI = spidev.SpiDev(0, 0)
>     SPI.max_speed_hz = 20000000
>     SPI.mode = 0b00
> https://luma-oled.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hardware.html#spi
> details pins used and it tallies with the above.  It also says
>     Because CS is connected to CE0, the display is available on SPI
>     port 0.  You can connect it to CE1 to have it available on port 1.
>     If so, pass port=1 in your serial interface create call.
> And I would guess it's referring to those ‘0, 0’ passed to
> spidev.SpiDev() above which probably arrive at
> https://github.com/doceme/py-spidev#methods open():
>     Connects to the specified SPI device, opening
>     /dev/spidev<bus>.<device>

I had misunderstood that when I looked at this previously and assumed that 
SPI0 and SPI1 on the Pi GPIO Pins referred to two discrete buses which could 
then have 1 to n devices attached and selected by the CS lines.

I can see that I can obviously have two devices attached, based on the above, 
but more than two might mean a bit more hoop-jumping, assuming it's available 
at all.

More research needed here I think.

Thanks for your help Ralph.


                Terry Coles

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