Hi all,

Sorry for spamming the list a bit lately! :)

Another issue I've had on my desktop, is that after being powered on for
after maybe 4 hours, my memory usage starts to climb, but no process is
listed as having used much memory.

After a few days, this is what "free -h" shows:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache  
Mem:           31Gi        21Gi       1.3Gi       146Mi      
8.9Gi       9.6Gi
Swap:          39Gi       427Mi        38Gi

So total memory usage ignoring cache is roughly 31 - (8.9 + 9.6) = 12.2 GB.

However, if I look in the process manager (displaying root processes
too), the total is nowhere near 12.2GB, it's more like 2GB, if even that

Any ideas how I can diagnose this? Now's a good opportunity because I'm
uploading a big backup and the system is currently running having been
on for days.


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