On 10/09/2020 13:20, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 12:09:51 +0100, hamis...@live.co.uk said:
>> Using htop in that way seems to show processes that aren't currently
>> running any more - like previous invocations of firefox, in the stats.
>> Is that expected?
> Not expected nor correct. htop shows processes that exist in the process
> table. Those processes may be running, runnable, waiting on IO, sleeping
> or a number of other states. Regardless of state, they will be using some
> memory, although that memory may be virtual.

This is strange. If I close eg Firefox, the all the (20+!) listings for
that process go away. What's weird is they all have PIDs, but there
aren't that many PIDs shown in the process list (or ps aux). This can't
be right surely.


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