On 10/09/2020 21:56, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> Using swap is not a bad thing in itself (quite the opposite in many cases).
> The actual process of swapping is expensive, though, and you want to
> minimise that.
> One way to see whether you have a lot of swapping going on is to run
> "vmstat 1" (you don't need to be root). That will produce a new line of
> data every second until you stop it (^C). in the middle are two columns
> under the label "swap", one sub-labelled "si" and the other "so". They are
> respectively "swap in" (ie, read from disk back into memory) and "swap
> out" (the other way). If those columns hold mostly zeros, you don't have a
> swap problem.
> How does it look on your system?

Here's a sample:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy
id wa st
 3  0 2267312 738416 421568 7325016    0    0  1024   240 7548 10847 18 
3 78  1  0
 3  0 2267312 739164 421568 7325036    0    0     0     0 6874 10642 19 
3 79  0  0
 2  0 2267312 739308 421568 7325036    0    0     0     0 6548 10399 18 
2 80  0  0

I agree about swapping, but in my case, using 20GB of RAM with almost
nothing open (and no change when I close things) is not good behaviour
when my use at cold boot is like 2GB. Please note, this is not cache, as
reported by "free" and in /proc/meminfo earlier.


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