On Sunday, 20 December 2020 11:46:27 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Presumably, the double-reboot changes something about the Pi which isn't
> stored on the SD Card so an identical copy of the SD Card in another Pi
> which hasn't been modified in the same way doesn't function properly.

I suspect you are right, but I can't think what that might be.

> Finding out why the double reboot is required and duplicating that
> action on the second Pi would be one way of testing if the cloned
> SD Card then works in it.  Another would be to put the cloned card into
> the original Pi which has been double rebooted.

That would certainly take me a bit further forward, but I'm not sure I have 
the time or the inclination to go that far.  When I did the River System Pis, 
having a 'Base Image' was really useful because there will eventually be 
around 10 to 15 Pis in the system (8 so far).  The Minster Music and Bells 
System will only ever have two Pis (which is one more than it was before).


                Terry Coles

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