
Not strictly Linux, but I wonder if there are any network aware people out 
there who can shed any light on my problem.

My EV Charger is generating multiple DHCP Requests.  This was first noticed on 
Saturday when my son checked the router log and saw that one device was being 
allocated an IP Address every 5 minutes or so.  I isolated the problem to the 
charger by turning stuff off until the problem stopped.  Normally the charger 
connected to a WiFi Extender but I get the same problem when it is connected 
directly to the Router.

When I went to turn off the charger its status light was red, signifying a 
failure.  I power cycled it and the repeated DHCP requests stopped - for a 
while.  Later I recycled both my router and my extender and the repeated DHCP 
requests stopped again.

The Charger Supplier worked through the problem with me on Saturday and 
informed me that there had been a brown-out on 4th Jan where the mains voltage 
had dropped to 178 V (normally 230 V).  He said that was what had caused the 
red status light.  He also said that he thought the problem was caused by that 
and it should be OK.  I last used the charger to charge my car on 1st Jan.

This morning I power cycled the charger again and the problem is still there 
However, the repeated DHCP requests have since recurred.  Are there any config 
settings in my router that could cause this?  Every other client works fine, 
but I thought it worth checking.  I get the problem whether I connect the 
charger to the extender or to the main router, so I'm excluding the extender 
from my diagnosis.

I suspect that the brown-out damaged the charger electronics, although why I'm 
not sure.  Of course the Supplier's monitoring wouldn't see high amplitude 
narrow spikes, so the brown-out may have been preceded by a large spike 
(nothing else failed though).  The Charger is under Warranty, so I want to 
marshal my facts before I call back.


                Terry Coles

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