On Monday, 25 January 2021 12:39:24 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> I imagine this will be to do with the cookie and session cookie settings
> you have set for those browsers. My guess is you have Firefox set to
> clear them when closed, but not with Chromium.

Store cookies *was* on in Chromium and off in Firefox.  Turning it off in 
Chromium didn't stop the behaviour.

BTW.  I get the same behaviour with Konquerer and it doesn't seem to have any 
Settings relevant to cookies (or anything else much).

> Whether this is an issue depends on how you judge the situation to be,
> but also how long it takes for the login cookie to expire. The longer it
> takes for it to expire, the bigger the risk of someone getting access if
> they eg pocket someone's device.

The trouble is that we will have no control over the settings for a Staff 
Member's device.

Having said that, the thief would have to not only be a scrote but also know 
about browsers etc; probably not a common situation.


                Terry Coles

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