On 19/04/2022 07:27, Terry Coles wrote:
On Monday, 18 April 2022 20:26:36 BST Patrick Wigmore wrote:
If there isn't a suitable route to on the VPN client
computer, then manually adding one temporarily might be a worthwhile

Hmmm.  I've been struggling to find the correct iptables command to do that.
Should this be a direct route from to or to  Also should the protocol be NAT?  Whatever I've tried so far
doesn't seem to show up when I list the current rules, so I've been unable to
confirm or deny that this was the problem.

It seems you've got me hooked on this puzzle, Terry. I was only going
to write a few paragraphs here, to clarify my previous remarks!
Sorry about that.  :-)

Note: iptables is a firewall, and doesn't handle routing.

You probably need to add a route with "route add" but I don't know what options to use after that. The only one I have used is "route add default gw x.x.x.x" so I will let Patrick handle this - he knows more Linux-specific stuff than I do here.


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