I have mine set the similar to Peter, I have setup two folders below inbox, one for Dorset Lug one for Hampshire Lug and auto filter incoming lug mail into each folder. it does not always work as quite often lug mail is left in the inbox. I have the same reply to list button that Peters note (and I have used for this email)

Tim H

On 21/09/2022 16:29, Peter Merchant via dorset wrote:
I have a tab on emails to the LUG that says 'Reply List'  It is not present on  non-lug emails. I don't know how it got set up. I have another group that I also filter off, and it's emails are also 'Reply List'

At the top of the email it has tabs: Reply/reply List/Forward/Archive/Junk/Delete/ and More.

It is not something new, It has 'always' been there.

On 21/09/2022 10:51, Terry Coles wrote:
As you may recall, I recently switched from KMail to Thunderbird and so far so good.

There is one point that I hadn't realised about it though. KMail provided Mailing List Support in that an Account could be marked as containing a Mailing List and henceforth all replies would go to the Mailing List and not the Sender.  (It didn't always work, especially if the Sender CCd me) but it meant that I only had to hit reply to get the message to go to the list.

This doesn't appear to be the case in Thunderbird.  Is that so or have I missed something?

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